Want to be healthier? Learn to cook!


Cooking at home is the ticket to healthier, more affordable meals, which in turn means a healthier you! When you cook at home, you control the ingredients and avoid consuming the cheap fillers, flavour enhancers, and added salt or butter that end up in most restaurant and take away meals. Cooking also nudges you to […]

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Tonic Newsletter – 7th August 2017


Download our latest Newsletter written by our specialist Tonic Weight Loss Team. Our updates provide amazing insights into Health, Wellbeing and essential Weight Loss Advice and information. Download now and find out more! Tonic Weight Loss Newsletter 7th August 2017

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Tonic Newsletter – 31st July 2017


Download our latest Newsletter written by our specialist Tonic Weight Loss Team. Our updates provide amazing insights into Health, Wellbeing and essential Weight Loss Advice and information. Download to find out more. Tonic Newsletter 31 July 2017

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Detox Water – Mixed Fruits


This Detox Mixed Fruit Water is great when you have a lot of different fruit at home and feeling creative. Experiment and try out various amounts of fruits and make a drink perfect for you. Ingredients Water A selection of your favourite fruits (lemon, lime, orange, apple, strawberry, raspberry…) Ice Add as much or little […]

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Detox Water – Cucumber & Mint


This Detox Cucumber Mint Water is the perfect cool down drink on a hot day. The cucumber and mint act as an anti-inflammatory helping you reduce that bloated feeling. Ingredients Water Cucumber (sliced) Fresh Mint Ice Add as much or little of the ingredients as you wish and remember to leave in the fridge for […]

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Mark’s Weight Loss Story


Mark from Wales, UK lost over 10 stone with Tonic Weight Loss Surgery. Find out how by watching his story… *Weight Loss Surgery Results May Vary: Causes for being overweight or obese vary from person to person.

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Tonic Newsletter – 22nd May 2017


Download our latest Newsletter written by our specialist Tonic Weight Loss Team. Our updates provide amazing insights into Health, Wellbeing and essential Weight Loss Advice and information. Download today and find out more.  Tonic Newsletter – 22nd May 2017 – foods to avoid

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Tonic Newsletter – 15th May 2017


Download our latest Newsletter written by our specialist Tonic Weight Loss Team. Our updates provide amazing insights into Health, Wellbeing and essential Weight Loss Advice and information. Click the link to download and find out more. Tonic Newsletter 15th May 2017

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Tonic Newsletter 17th April 2017


Download our latest Newsletter written by our specialist Tonic Weight Loss Team. Our updates provide amazing insights into Health, Wellbeing and essential Weight Loss Advice and information. click the link below to download and find out more. DOWNLOAD

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Gastric Band – Find out more


Gastric Band surgery is just one of the bariatric surgery options we offer at Tonic Weight Loss Surgery. The adjustable gastric band (known as lap banding) acts as a restrictive procedure. A silicone band is placed around the upper part of the stomach, creating a small pouch above the band, about the size of a […]

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Top mood boosting tips

Top mood boosting tips!


Feeling run down is something everyone may experience usually after a really exciting weekend and you have a dauntingly busy week ahead. It is also a cause of weight gain. Follow our simple tips to feel better … 1.  Live in the present! If you’re feeling low, try to control your breathing and pay attention to […]

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Tonic Weight Loss Surgery - Tips for beating that bloated feeling

Tips For Beating That Bloated Feeling


  Feeling bloated is very common – Leaving you feeling uncomfortable and your abdomen stretched and puffed out. Follow our tips to avoid that bloated feeling… 1. Cut down – Reduce your intake of foods such as beans, onions, broccoli, cabbage, sprouts and cauliflower which are known to cause wind and bloating. 2. Walk it […]

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Tips for a Good Night Sleep - Tonic Weight Loss Surgery

Tips For A Good Nights Sleep


  If your feeling tired during the day and feeling low perhaps all you need is a good night rest. Follow our top tips for getting a good night sleep… Watch what you eat – Eating too much too late or not enough will leave you uncomfortable or hungry, making for an unrestful night. Un […]

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Tips for Getting Your Family Into Shape - Tonic Weight Loss Surgery

Tips for Getting Your Family into Shape


  A great way to get in shape is to do it together as a family. Follow our top tips for building fitness into your lifestyle…. Swap TV time for a fun activity – Instead of sitting in front of the TV why not take up a hobby as a family or play active games. […]

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Tonic Weight Loss Surgery UK - Tips for Starting The Day Right

Tips For Starting The Day Right!


  Follow our top tips to start your day on the right track… Make sure you get at least 6-8 hours sleep – If you know you have to be up early the next morning make sure you get to bed early. Wind down with a book and a herbal tea and although tempting try to […]

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Tonic Weight Loss Surgery - Quick Weight Loss Challenge

Quick Weight Loss Challenge – Killer Core


  Week 4 // Quick Weight Loss Challenge – Killer Core. Perform each exercise for 20 Seconds and rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 4 times: – Warm Up – Plank – Side Plank – Russian Twist (Beginners are recommended to aim for a minimum of completing the challenge 3 days a week building up to […]

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Tonic Weight Loss Surgery - Tips To Help Control Your Portion Sizes

Tips To Help Control Your Portion Sizes


Follow our quick and easy tips to help control your portion sizes at meal times… Always have a glass of water with your meal – Take a sip every few mouthfuls to trick your brain into feeling fuller and most importantly to keep hydrated. Base your meal around the vegetables – they are tasty, packed […]

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Tonic Weight Loss Surgery UK

New Year Goal Setting Guide


    Its time to reflect on the past 12 months and to start thinking about what you want to achieve in 2017. Here’s our top tips for making the most of your new year! 1. Set achievable goals Setting something to work towards increases your chance of success. It also gives you something to […]

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Tonic Weight Loss Surgery UK Bariatric Surgeons

Did you know the UK is the second most obese country in Europe?


    Did you know the UK is the second most obese country in Europe? According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), at least 2.8 million people die every year for being overweight or obese. The worldwide prevalence of obesity has more than doubled between 1980 and 2014, with 13 per cent of the world’s […]

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Tonic Weight Loss Surgery UK Bariatric Surgery

Fragrant Pho Soup


  Treat yourself to a tasty soup under 250 calories! Try it our yourself and tag @TonicWeightLossSurgery in your creations on social media! Fragrant Pho Soup 2 Star Anise 2 Cinnamon sticks ½ Teaspoon Whole Cloves 1 Litre Hot Water 1 Carrot, Chopped roughly into chunks 1 Onion, Chopped roughly into chunks 1 thumb sized […]

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