We Are Celebrating

The Tonics

We’re so proud of the progress each and every Tonic patient makes.

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Repost our amazing patient Laura: 🌟 14 months post op 🌟 7.5 stone ⬇️
Trying on bikinis for what will be my first summer holiday with my new body. I’m still amazed by the difference ☺️ Being completely honest, when I first tried this bikini on my eyes darted to my inner thigh loose skin and my flat chest and I almost sent it back 😂 but I gave myself a good talking to and reminded myself how far I’d come from the old version of me. For me this is not just a physical journey, the mental and emotional side plays a huge part. I’m both physically and mentally healthier and so I want to learn to live with a bit of loose skin, though I do miss my old boobs 🍉😂 I was also saying to my partner that I genuinely do not remember being as I big as I was in the first picture, it’s madness. Looking forward to wearing my new bikini in Cyprus, wobbly bits and all ☀️ @tonicsurgery

#WeightLossJourney #TonicSurgery #StayOnTrack #HealthyLiving #GivingBackLives
Today we would like to shine the Tonic spotlight on Tara.

As you can see her transformation is simply incredible, losing an incredible 8.5 stone in just 7 months post weight loss surgery!

We are so proud to have supported Tara with this surgery and will continue to do so as she starts her new journey.

Thinking about starting your own transformation? Get in touch with Tonic Surgery today! 💪💙

#TransformationTuesday #WeightLossJourney #BeforeAndAfter #TonicTransformation #WeightLossSurgery #GivingBackLives
What if you succeed and it all works out? Just what if? 🤔

Many of our patients wish they had started their journey sooner. Imagine being at your healthiest weight this time next year, feeling confident on the beach or at a family wedding or a special occasion to you🌟

At Tonic, we're here to support you every step of the way. Our experts have helped thousands of patients succeed, and we're ready to help you too.

Why not take that step towards a healthier, happier you? 💪

#TonicSurgery #WeightLossJourney #HealthAndWellness #TransformYourLife #ConfidenceBoost #PatientSuccess #TonicSupport #GivingBackLives
Meet Becks. Since her gastric sleeve with Mr. Alkhaffaf last year, she has lost an amazing 6 stone and 4 pounds!

Her journey shows what is possible with Tonic’s help.

Keep up the good work Becks!

Are you ready to start your own transformation? Get in touch with Tonic Surgery today! 💪💙

#TransformationTuesday #WeightLossJourney #BeforeAndAfter #TonicTransformation #GastricSleeve #GivingBackLives
💰🏥 Invest in Your Health: WLS vs. Natural Methods 🏥💰

With WLS:

Cost: Higher upfront costs

Results: Life-changing results in just 12-18 months

Without WLS:

Costs: Diets, gym memberships, healthcare expenses

Result: Stop-and-start cycle, higher long-term costs

Invest in WLS with Tonic for a much more certain, long-term success. 💪❤️

#WeightLossJourney #WLS #TonicSurgery #GivingBackLives
🌟✨ Repost from @MikiGotSleeved ✨🌟

Watch Miki's incredible transformation journey with Tonic Surgery!

Her dedication and positive spirit is truly inspiring.

If you’re ready for your own transformation, contact us at Tonic Weight Loss Surgery today! 💪❤️

#TransformationJourney #WeightLossSurgery #TonicSurgery #Inspiration #GivingBackLives
🍫 Life after weight loss surgery can still include your favourite chocolate treats! The difference? You'll have more control and no more overindulging.

Chocolate is allowed as an occasional treat! Here are some delicious options:

Protein chocolate pudding with 20g of protein!
Chocolate protein bars with 33g of protein!
A slice of dark chocolate
A few Lindt truffles with a nice cup of tea
All of this is allowed, just in moderation. Weight loss surgery will help you maintain that control. Enjoy your treats responsibly! 🌟

#WeightLossJourney #HealthyTreats #ModerationIsKey #ProteinSnacks #ChocolateLovers #TonicTransformation #GivingBackLives
Understanding your Procedure! ✨🤔

Not sure which weight loss procedure is right for you?

We have put together this guide - based on your BMI and health conditions - to help you understand more about what it is you might need.

If you’re still unsure, contact our weight loss experts today to start your journey! 💪💙https://www.tonicweightlosssurgery.co.uk/contact-us/

#WeightLossJourney #TonicHealth #GivingBackLives
Repost our amazing patient Zara: 
Happy 1 year sleeve-versary to me 🤍
-9stn (126lbs)
Undergoing a Gastric Sleeve was a decision I didn’t take lightly. It was discussed with my GP, and after years of battling with my weight, and ending up at the point where I would hardly leave the house, couldn’t face customers coming to collect their cakes, wouldn’t step foot in the local shop, used to drive to a supermarket 40 minutes away to avoid seeing anyone I know… it became my last option.
Many may call it the easy way out, but when you reach the point I did where you don’t want to go out in public, won’t see friends, and hit the depths of depression I did; due to the way I looked, there was no other option left.
I missed out on SO much with our children in the past 6 years. I had taken Ralph swimming once in his life… I wouldn’t go on many days out because the thought of seeing someone I knew, crippled me.
A Gastric sleeve is for life, something you have to consider daily, and believe it or not, is the most difficult thing I have ever done. You still have to make healthy choices, as you would on a ‘diet’. You could undergo this operation and still eat as much crisps and chocolate as you like (slider foods… aka anything that melts to nothing), and therefore not lose the weight. A sleeve is a tool, not a quick fix. I like to call it forced portion control.🤣
The journey will never be over, as for life I’ll have to take multiple tablets a day, hit protein goals, have multiple routine blood tests, battle the hair loss (thank god I had too much to start with, because I’ve lost half of what I used to have😂)…
All that being said, I owe so much to @tonicsurgery for giving me my life back. For giving our children the mother they deserve, who’ll take them here, there, and everywhere, agree to holidays, to days out… and most of all, feel happy again.
To my surgeon, @mrsherifawad , THANK YOU!!!😭❤️
#TransformationTuesday #WeightLossJourney #BeforeAndAfter #GivingBackLives

Patient Stories

as told by them

We love seeing your weight loss surgery journeys! We encourage everyone to share their progress with us @tonicsurgery so we can celebrate with you.

Check out some of the amazing transformations Tonic patients have shared online here!

Laura's amazing transformation @sleevinglau

We’re loving seeing Laura spreading her unique brand of positivity post op.

Her transformation has been absolutely incredible so far – go Laura! You can check her journey out on Instagram @sleevinglau. Keep up the great work – we’re all rooting for you!

Trust the process, and embrace the journey! 💙 Meet Lau, a shining example of the incredible transformations happening within our community, THE TONIC'S! 💙 We're more than a team; we're a family, supporting each other through every twist and turn. Today, we celebrate Lau for her inspiring WLS journey—YOU ARE AMAZING! 🙌 Let's continue to lift each other up!

See Chanelle's Transformation

See Chanelle's Transformation

One of Our Many Success Stories

Channelle Hayes

When you choose Tonic for your weight loss surgery, you’re choosing to join a community of determined, passionate people who are determined to shed excess weight and live their lives to the fullest. 

See some more of our patients’ success stories by clicking the link below.

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Contact Us Today

For further information, please contact our team on 0115 950 4662 to discuss your individual case.

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