Things I Wish I’d Known Before Weight-Loss Surgery

What to expect after weight loss surgery?

Weight loss surgery is a life-changing procedure that can lead to better health and well-being. However, when undergoing such a significant change to your body, it helps to know what to expect post-operation.

In this blog, we’ll discuss some factors to keep in mind before you undergo weight loss surgery to improve your experience and recovery, from how much weight you can expect to lose and what dietary requirements you will need to follow after your operation.


Can I afford weight loss surgery?

At Tonic, we believe that financial constraints shouldn’t hinder your weight loss journey and your pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. 

That’s why we have partnered with Chrysalis Finance to offer financing options for our weight loss surgeries. You can borrow anywhere from £350 to £25,000 to cover the cost of your procedure. Repayments are flexible and can be spread over six months to five years. 

Find out more about eligibility and how to apply here

Does surgery work and will I lose weight?

Weight loss surgery is a significant and life-changing procedure, and it’s understandable to have concerns about how effective it can be. 

The honest answer is that everyone’s body is unique, and your biological response to the surgery may vary to someone else’s. The amount of weight you lose can also depend on the type of surgery you choose. 

However, most patients experience a weight loss of 70-75% of their excess weight within the first year of the procedure. 

It’s also important to remember that weight loss surgery is not a magical solution but rather a tool that can help you achieve weight loss. Whether you struggle with binge eating, over eating, or sticking to traditional diets like calorie counting, weight loss surgery can be combined with healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle to help you reach and maintain your goal weight. 

What is the recovery time for weight loss surgery?

The recovery time after weight loss surgery varies depending on the procedure you choose but typically lasts two weeks. It is essential to follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully to ensure a safe recovery.

What can I eat pre-surgery and post-surgery?

This depends on the type of procedure you have had, and your surgeon can recommend a diet plan based on your circumstances.

However, during the first two weeks post-operation, your diet plan will be generally limited to liquids such as water, herbal tea, diluted juice and broth. It is essential to avoid eating any solid foods during this time because it can lead to complications and hinder the healing process. 

It’s also important to note that you should always seek advice from your aftercare team before starting any new liquids or foods. 


What foods can I never eat again after weight-loss surgery? 

We get this question a lot! It’s a common concern for those considering weight loss surgery. The answer depends on the type of procedure you choose, as dietary restrictions can vary. 

For example, after undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, you can still eat any type of food you like, but the portion size will need to be smaller. 

In comparison, if you opt for gastric band surgery, you will need to avoid certain foods and drinks such as snacks that are high in fat, high-calories liquids, and foods that crumble or melt, e.g., ice cream, biscuits, crisps and pastries. 

What are the potential side effects of weight loss surgery?

After your weight loss procedure, you may experience various physiological responses such as hair loss, acid reflux, changes in appetite, and taste changes. Although these side effects might seem alarming, they are not permanent. Some issues are caused by vitamin deficiencies, but they can be resolved by taking supplements our specialists have recommended. 

How to choose the right weight loss specialists for your procedure

Once you have decided to undergo weight loss surgery, it’s important to choose the right provider. 

While there are a number of clinics around the UK offering a similar range of procedures, you need to make sure you will be provided with sufficient aftercare. At Tonic, we have a 5-star aftercare team, including fitness instructors, dieticians, psychologists and surgeons, who are available to assist you every step of the way!

One last thing you should know…

Above all else, it’s important that you don’t compare your weight loss journey to anyone else. What matters most is staying true to yourself, keeping up the good work and being proud of your progress. 

If you have any other questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team of weight loss specialists today to book a complimentary consultation.

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