Top mood boosting tips

Top mood boosting tips!


Feeling run down is something everyone may experience usually after a really exciting weekend and you have a dauntingly busy week ahead. It is also a cause of weight gain. Follow our simple tips to feel better … 1.  Live in the present! If you’re feeling low, try to control your breathing and pay attention to […]

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Tips for a Good Night Sleep - Tonic Weight Loss Surgery

Tips For A Good Nights Sleep


  If your feeling tired during the day and feeling low perhaps all you need is a good night rest. Follow our top tips for getting a good night sleep… Watch what you eat – Eating too much too late or not enough will leave you uncomfortable or hungry, making for an unrestful night. Un […]

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Tips for Getting Your Family Into Shape - Tonic Weight Loss Surgery

Tips for Getting Your Family into Shape


  A great way to get in shape is to do it together as a family. Follow our top tips for building fitness into your lifestyle…. Swap TV time for a fun activity – Instead of sitting in front of the TV why not take up a hobby as a family or play active games. […]

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