Tips for Fighting Stress - Tonic Weight Loss Surgery

Tips for Fighting Stress


  Stress is one of the root causes of weight gain. Follow our tips to beat stress and keep calm… 1. Exercise – Being active helps to release endorphins, the chemicals in your body that make you feel good. It can not only be good fun but helps clear your mind to deal with whatever […]

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Tips for a Good Night Sleep - Tonic Weight Loss Surgery

Tips For A Good Nights Sleep


  If your feeling tired during the day and feeling low perhaps all you need is a good night rest. Follow our top tips for getting a good night sleep… Watch what you eat – Eating too much too late or not enough will leave you uncomfortable or hungry, making for an unrestful night. Un […]

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Quick Weight Loss Challenge - Tonic Weight Loss Surgery

Quick Weight Loss Challenge – Total Body Burn


Week 6 // Quick Weight Loss Challenge – Total Body Burn. Perform each exercise for 20 Seconds and rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 4 times: – Warm Up – Burpees – Press Up Reach – Lunge Twist (Beginners are recommended to aim for a minimum of completing the challenge 3 days a week building up […]

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Tips for Getting Your Family Into Shape - Tonic Weight Loss Surgery

Tips for Getting Your Family into Shape


  A great way to get in shape is to do it together as a family. Follow our top tips for building fitness into your lifestyle…. Swap TV time for a fun activity – Instead of sitting in front of the TV why not take up a hobby as a family or play active games. […]

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Quick Weight Loss Challenge – Lower Body Attack


Week 5 // Quick Weight Loss Challenge – Lower Body Attack. Perform each exercise for 20 Seconds and rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 4 times: – Warm Up (Click here… to follow our warm up video) – Squat – Side Lunge – Sumo (Beginners are recommended to aim for a minimum of completing the […]

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Tonic Weight Loss Surgery UK - Tips for Starting The Day Right

Tips For Starting The Day Right!


  Follow our top tips to start your day on the right track… Make sure you get at least 6-8 hours sleep – If you know you have to be up early the next morning make sure you get to bed early. Wind down with a book and a herbal tea and although tempting try to […]

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Tonic Weight Loss Surgery - Quick Weight Loss Challenge

Quick Weight Loss Challenge – Killer Core


  Week 4 // Quick Weight Loss Challenge – Killer Core. Perform each exercise for 20 Seconds and rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 4 times: – Warm Up – Plank – Side Plank – Russian Twist (Beginners are recommended to aim for a minimum of completing the challenge 3 days a week building up to […]

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Tonic Weight Loss Surgery - Tips To Help Control Your Portion Sizes

Tips To Help Control Your Portion Sizes


Follow our quick and easy tips to help control your portion sizes at meal times… Always have a glass of water with your meal – Take a sip every few mouthfuls to trick your brain into feeling fuller and most importantly to keep hydrated. Base your meal around the vegetables – they are tasty, packed […]

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Tonic Weight Loss Surgery UK

New Year Goal Setting Guide


    Its time to reflect on the past 12 months and to start thinking about what you want to achieve in 2017. Here’s our top tips for making the most of your new year! 1. Set achievable goals Setting something to work towards increases your chance of success. It also gives you something to […]

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Tonic Weight Loss Surgery UK

How To Avoid Over Indulging This Christmas


Did you know the average person eats over 7,000 Calories on Christmas day alone! Follow our top tips to avoid over indulging this festive season… 1. Portion Control Christmas revolves around extravagant comfort food and high calorie buffets. Be sure to stop mid day snacking by starting the day with a protein rich breakfast to […]

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Tonic Weight Loss Surgery UK Bariatric Surgeons

Did you know the UK is the second most obese country in Europe?


    Did you know the UK is the second most obese country in Europe? According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), at least 2.8 million people die every year for being overweight or obese. The worldwide prevalence of obesity has more than doubled between 1980 and 2014, with 13 per cent of the world’s […]

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Tonic Weight Loss Surgery UK Bariatric Surgery

Which is the best type of weight loss surgery?


  When considering which type of weight loss surgery to have, many patients ask for “the best”. However when it comes to weight loss surgery there is no one best size fits all. At a free consultation with Tonic, our Specialist Bariatric Surgeons will work with you to understand which type of weight loss procedure suits […]

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Tonic Weight Loss Surgery UK Bariatric Surgeons

What is your BMI?


  What is your BMI? BMI is the measurement of your body based on height and weight. The higher the BMI the more at risk you are in developing some diseases such as High blood pressure, Coronary artery disease, Stroke, Osteoarthritis, Cancer and Type 2 Diabetes. BMI is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by […]

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Bariatric Surgery UK

Why choose Gastric Bypass Weight Loss Surgery?


  On average people can lose between 70-75% of their excess weight in the first two years after Gastric Bypass surgery making it one of the most life changing procedures available. Benefits include… – Improvements in weight related problems such as asthma and breathlessness, pains in joints, arthritis and fatigue. – A healthier lifestyle through […]

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Tonic Weight Loss Surgery - 5 Tips: Boost your confidence

5 Tips: Boost your confidence


5 Tips to Boost your Confidence By Kay Choudary Tonic Weight Loss Surgery Psychotherapy and Counselling Specialist 1. Never overgeneralise about a negative day. “My whole life is rubbish and I am a failure because I ate an icecream” 2. Fake it even if you don’t feel it. Act and become… 3. Don’t accept other people’s labels about you. 4. Walk tall, Shoulders back, […]

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Tonic Weight Loss Surgery - 5 Tips: Kick start a happier you

5 Tips: Kick start a Happier You


5 Tips: Kick Start a Happier You Kay Choudary, Tonic Weight Loss Surgery Psychotherapy and Counselling Specialist 1. Only you can decide how happy you will allow yourself to be, so decide… 2. Develop a Personal Ethics Plan PEP 3. Reconcile the past. Sometimes you have to go back to the past to create a happier future, accept this and move on as […]

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