
Tonic Newsletter – 18th December 2017

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Christmas is just about here, and that can mean neglected fitness regimes and five-hour TV marathons. But it doesn’t have to be this way. With a little forward planning and a teeny bit of self-discipline, it is possible to enjoy a happy and healthy Christmas and enter the New Year feeling fit. 

Many people will fall off the exercise bandwagon at Christmas, and rule out the idea of getting into shape during the festive period, assuming there is no point in starting until the New Year, but given that one of the biggest barriers to exercise is lack of time, a break from the usual routine over this Christmas and New Year can provide the ideal opportunity to begin or maintain physical activity.


  • Before bed and on waking, do some stretches.
  • On breaks, spend 5 minutes climbing stairs.
  • When you take the rubbish outside, take a brisk 5-minute power walk up the street in one direction and back in the other.Try 5 to 10 minutes of jumping jacks. (A 10st 7lb woman can burn 90 calories in one 10-minute session).
  • Whilst cooking dinner do standing pushups while you wait for a pan to boil. Stand an arm’s length from the kitchen counter, and push your arms against the counter. Push in and out to get toned arms and shoulders.
  • After dinner, go outside for a brisk walk with your family and friends.


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  • If you have to wait at the hairdresser, doctor or dentist appointment, ask the receptionist how long you have left to wait and fit in some power walking whilst waiting.
  • While your son or daughter plays a football or rugby game, walk around the pitch.
  • Walk to work if you can, or park the car further away.
  • If you go out on your lunch hour, walk to a restaurant or cafe on a route that takes you a little bit out of your way.
  • If you have a meeting in another building, leave 10 minutes early to fit in some extra walking.
  • Dance as if you were a teenager again. Put on music and dance like crazy! Think of movement as something that you have a right to do.
  • During tv commercials, jog in place. A 10st 7lb woman can burn up to 45 calories in 5 minutes.


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A single event when you consume 1,000 or 2,000 extra calories is unlikely to lead to any substantial weight gain. A pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories. You’d have to eat 6 1/2 cups of ice cream, almost 1 1/2 14-inch cheese pizzas or 45 chocolate chip biscuits in one sitting to take in the calories needed to gain even 1 pound. If you step on the scale immediately after eating a lot of food, you may weigh several pounds more than you did first thing in the morning. This type of daily weight fluctuation is normal. The higher weight is simply the mass of undigested food in your belly. Even if you wake up the morning after over-indulging and weigh more, realise that the excess salt in your food likely caused serious water retention, which reflects as added pounds.


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Cheryl Hicks offers Tonic patients complimentary support with motivation, health and well-being. Drop Cheryl an email on for free support and further information.

Download full PDF Newsletter Tonic newsletter 38 – Merry Fitness



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