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the Tonic family


10st 7lbs

My life before WLS

Before weight loss surgery, I weighed 26 and a half stone. I know I’ve weighed more than that, but you stop weighing after a while as you really don’t want to know.

I felt useless and disgusting and an embarrassment to everyone around me. I know many people have features they don’t like about themselves but to physically feel sick every time you dress in your specially ordered clothes is a daily ritual that leaves you on edge.

The very idea of walking upstairs would have to be planned, with a 10-minute sit-down afterwards. I wasn’t really living, just existing. When you can’t even walk your children into school as it hurts so much, you know you have your priorities all wrong. People often think that I would enjoy hobbies where you’re sat down, but when a cinema seat literally cuts into your skin as you’re too big for it, then you even avoid that and quickly find yourself isolating from the world, turning to the only thing you can … more food.

My Tonic experience 

Tonic are second to none. They are there any time you need them. They aren’t mind readers, as some expect, but they regularly check on you and the moment you reach out to them with a need, they are all over it, like I used to be all over cake.

The depth of the care is astounding, from the surgeon all the way down to a portion control plate. The big and the small things are thought of.

The staff genuinely care. You are real to them and not just a sales target. The office staff have so much knowledge, I have no doubt they are everything you would need, so to back that up with qualified nurses, dietitians, nutritionists, psychotherapists, personal trainers and so on makes you realise you are getting the best treatment.

Life after surgery 

I am so adventurous now. From climbing waterfalls to water sports, I have a new lease of life. One year post surgery, I did a sky dive from 15,000 ft. This wouldn’t have been physically possible before, nor would I have had the confidence.

My health is so much better. My diabetes is in remission, my blood pressure is amazing and the doctors are so happy with me.

The biggest highlight is the pride I see in my family’s eyes, especially my little boy’s. He loves to race me into school now and has started asking to wear clothes like Daddy, have his hair like Daddy and do adventurous things with Daddy. That is so priceless and beyond words.

Before surgery, I heard “Dance with my Father Again” by Luther Vandross and I was in pieces because I could see my little girl on her wedding day with no dad to dance with as I was eating myself into a very large early grave. I now have that hope of many father-daughter dances for years to come.

I walk, run, exercise, party, have adventures, play with my kids, shop in the high street,​ and so on.

In short, I now live, not just exist.

I have lost over 10 and a half stone.

It’s not a miracle cure: it’s a tool you have to work with. A bad tradesman blames his tools, but a good one can build amazing things when he understands them and works with them.

This tool provides something so new to people in this situation, so you need the right training and guidance to use it.

That’s where the Tonic team are vital. Let them show you how to use your tool and then build yourself a long-standing, exciting, solid and amazing new life, not just for you but for those most important to you.

It’s worth every bit.

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Why Tonic?

We’ve been #GivingBackLives for over 40 years. 

We put you at the centre of everything we do. From your initial consultation with one of our specialist bariatric (weight loss) surgeons, through to your procedure and aftercare, we’ll only ever recommend what’s in your best interests. 

Following your surgery, you’ll have access to our industry-leading 5-year aftercare, and our growing Tonic support community. You’ll never be alone on your weight loss journey again.

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Chanelle Hayes Tonic journey with a gastric sleeve

“Before weight loss surgery, I couldn’t cope with doing anything strenuous and I couldn’t spend time with my children in the way I wanted to. My eating was out of control, and I had been yo-yoing. 

A year out from surgery, I’m a completely different person. Last year, my body fat percentage was in the morbidly obese category. Now, I’m in the healthy weight category.”

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