
Tonic Newsletter – 25th December 2017

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We have reached that time of the year when many of us will have either eaten too much or drunk too much or, in all likelihood, both. Overindulgence is as much a part of the festivities as exchanging presents and we’re all too familiar with the consequences of this excess.

After all the Christmas celebrations our bodies need to relax and unwind. There is only one time of the day when body and mind are both totally relaxed and that is when we are asleep. During sleep your body does most of it’s repair and healing. We need 8 hours sleep to be at our best. So get into your pyjamas and get sleeping, you will feel great the next day.

Increase your intake of vitamin C. This will help clear your skin after all those mince pies and cocktail parties over Christmas. It also helps maintain teeth and bones and aids our absorption of iron. Great sources of vitamin C are strawberries, kiwi fruit, steamed broccoli and oranges.


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Another vitamin that is great for our bodies is vitamin B as this helps soften the impact of alcohol on the liver and encourages cell rejuvenation.

There is no better therapy after a long stressful day than going for a walk. This is a great form of exercise and will also blow away all those cobwebs that have accumulated from spending too much time inside. This can aid digestion and possibly help decrease the fat your body has stored. To combat any signs of ageing that the festive season has brought on you need to up your intake of foods that contain anti-oxidants. These are brightly coloured fruits and vegetables like peppers, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, apricots and carrots. If you overdid the calories, keep the next meals lighter, but still satisfying, by half filling your plate with vegetables. Then fill out the rest of the plate with lean protein. Also increase your fluid intake for the next few days to help flush out the extra water.


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Your metabolism has been given a hiding, your digestive system has been stressed beyond normal limits so now it’s time to hit the ‘reset button’. Once Christmas day and Boxing Day are done make a decision to stay away from all highly processed, high GI foods and focus on lean protein, fresh fruit and fibrous vegetables. Add some healthy fats via nuts and avocado and you will be well on the way to getting back on track. This means waking up and having an omelette with some peppers and mushrooms in it and avoiding cereal & milk. It means grabbing an apple or a satsuma and some almonds for a snack, having big salads with olive oil dressing and chicken or turkey breast. It means avoiding breads, crackers or the left over Christmas pudding. It means drinking a lot of water. Eating like this will reduce the bloat, ease the stress on your digestive system and beat back those sugary carb cravings.

This works by allowing a number of things to happen – fewer carbs means your body has a chance to normalise & stabilise blood sugar levels after the havoc of the days just gone. Your pancreas gets a break and you insulin levels will drop also. So December 27th or 28th get stuck into water and left over protein, veggies and fruit. Pass on the potatoes, the bread and sweets, pie & cakes. Not only will you lose the bloat but you’ll feel better quicker and be back on track for a fit & healthy 2018.


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Cheryl Hicks offers Tonic patients complimentary support with motivation, health and well-being. Drop Cheryl an email on for free support and further information.

Download full PDF Newsletter Tonic newsletter 39 – post christmas recovery plan



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