Consultant Bariatric Surgeon
Mr Shamsi El-Hasani
Mr El-Hasani has specialised for the past 32 years in upper gastrointestinal, gallbladder hernia and weight loss procedures.
For the last 32 years Mr El Hasani has mainly specialised in upper gastrointestinal, gall bladder, hernia and weight loss surgery. Mr El-Hasani has long and structured training in laparoscopic/keyhole approach to surgery.
Mr El-Hasani began Private Bariatric surgical services in the year 2000 and currently he is the Director for this service. So far, he has performed in excess of ;1600 laparoscopic gastric bands, 800 laparoscopic gastric bypass, 200 endoscopic insertion of gastric balloon. Also, he performs regularly laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and undertakes the management of revisional bariatric surgery.
Mr El-Hasani is closely involved in the surgical management of type 2 diabetes, and he has recent international publication in this field.